21 OCT 2023
What Is The Best Small Animal Pellet Food In South Africa?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Rabbit Food | Pet Care | Degus | Bunny Nature
Pellets are a complementary addition to your rabbit, guinea pig or chinchilla's diet and can be a source of nutrition when fed correctly. Originally, pellets were developed as a cheap way to feed livestock and these earlier foods tended to be high in fat content and lacked the high quality nutrition needed to support long term health and wellbeing.   However, good-quality, high-fibre pellet diets are now more widely available. They often contain a base of grass (10-15%) with additional herbs and are supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Given properly, and in the correct amounts, high-quality pellets offer a variety of vitamins and minerals that can support good health. They should be provided as part of a balanced diet. Bunny Nature, a manufacturer in Germany, makes pellets for small animals with unique recipe that contains an even higher content of grass, plants and herbs (50-60%) that originate from your pet's natural habitat. Rabbits and guinea pigs need.. [More] BunnyNatureTrimelloPelletsRabbits.jpg
Tags : What Is The Best Pellet Small Animal Food In South Africa? , What Are The Best Quality Pellets To Feed Rabbits , Guinea Pigs , Chinchillas & Degus , What Is Best Pellets To Feed Your Rabbits , Guinea Pigs Comment 0 Comments
29 SEP 2019
Take A Closer Look At Your Degus Diet
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Pet Care | Degus | Bunny Nature
Degus are sociable, speedy rodents have very different needs from other small furries and providing the correct diet is an essential part of keeping them healthy and happy.   In the wild, degus – who are native to northern and central Chile and live high up in the Andes mountain range – survive on grass and other green vegetation, bark and seeds. In fact, compared to other rodents, degus need to consume large amounts of fibre – at Burgess, they refer to them as ‘fibrevores’. That’s why hay should make up a large part of their diet. Each day, you need to provide a minimum of their body size in high quality feeding hay  to enable their digestive systems to function properly. Chomping on plenty of fresh, tasty hay will also help your degus’ dental health by keeping their continuously growing teeth at the correct length and shape. DID YOU KNOW? Wild degus live in groups of up to 100, where they dig complex burrows to .. [More] DEGUSDIET2019.jpg
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22 APR 2019
Why Mice Are Really Nice Pets
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care | Rats and Mice
Pet mice are epic explorers and there’s hours of fun to be had watching them as they nimbly scale ropes, pause and scent the air, nibble on tasty treats that they hold delicately in their front paws and dash recklessly through tunnels. However, these compact pets have quite a long list of requirements when it comes to helping them lead their best mouse life.   On the run The first thing you need to know about having mice as pets is that they need plenty of space to exercise, forage, play, climb, investigate and interact with their cage mates. In the wild, mice are extremely active animals, travelling many hundreds of metres in one day. Their ideal enclosure needs to be a large, narrow-spaced barred cage, with gaps no more than 9mm so they can’t squeeze through them. Glass or plastic enclosures aren’t suitable for mice because they don’t have very good ventilation, which can cause breathing problems. The accommodation needs to be lined with lino an.. [More] MICE.jpg
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01 DEC 2018
How To Prevent Cat Litter Box Smell
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care | Cats | Cat Litter | Litter Boxes | Cateco | Canada Cat Litter | Comfy
Nobody enjoys cleaning their cat’s litter box—but this chore is extremely important for helping reduce the chances of your healthy cat contracting a disease. Not only will eliminating waste buildup in your cat’s litter box prevent a sick cat, but it will keep you from being exposed to potential diseases as well.   But doing the minimal scooping might not be enough. If you don’t clean the litter box properly, you can end up with a sick cat, as well as put yourself at risk for contracting certain diseases. When caring for cats it is imperative to take specific precautions to avoid any health-related issues that may arise from incorrect cleaning methods. If you are just starting out with a litter box, or need a refresher course, here are some tips to make sure your cat litter box cleaning processes are safe for your healthy cat. The Center for Disease Control recommends you wear gloves while cleaning your cat’s litter box, and to thoroughly wash.. [More] catecolitterorangekittens3.jpg
Tags : Best Cat Litter Box South Africa , How To Keep Cat Litter Box From Smelling In South Africa , How To Prevent Cat Litter Box Smell , Cleaning Your Cat Litter Box , Cat Litter Box South Africa Comment 0 Comments
02 NOV 2018
Why Use Incubators For Wildlife Care
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care | Curadle | Squirrels | Wildlife | Incubators | Animal Rescue
Incubators are a vital component in caring for neonatal mammals, hatchling birds and other orphaned wildlife. Most young animals need supplemental heat in order to survive, especially babies that have no fur yet and their eyes are still closed. Incubators are useful in situations where animals are unable to adequately control their own body temperature, such as in neonates (new born animals) and when injured and diseased.   In some cases, incubators can also be used to control the humidity (moisture content) of the animal’s environment, provide animals with increased levels of oxygen and allow nebulization. Where wild animals are sick or injured, incubators can only be of benefit alongside veterinary care. For abandoned baby squirrels for example, an incubator to keep them warm can be the difference between life and death – just one incubator can save the lives of hundreds of animals.   How To Choose An Incubator? Incubators are slowly becoming ava.. [More] squirrelincubatorsforwildlife.jpg
Tags : Why Use Incubators For Wildlife Care South Africa , Orphaned Squirrels , Baby Squirrels South Africa , Orphaned Wildlife Care South Africa , Care Of Sick Injured Animals South Africa Comment 0 Comments
06 JUL 2018
Is Too Much Ball Throwing Stressing Your Dog
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care | Dog Toys | Dogs
Most dogs love chasing and fetching a ball, but could too much of this classic canine game have negative consequences? Some experts believe that repetitive high-energy exercise boosts a dog’s adrenaline levels to the point where powerful chemicals, such as cortisol, are released.   Cortisol has many functions including working with certain parts of the brain to control mood, motivation, and fear. It’s best known as the stress hormone, helping fuel the ‘fight or flight’ instinct in a crisis. While very useful in times of danger, prolonged exposure to cortisol can lead to a number of health problems. According to canine behaviourist Sindhoor Pangal , there are cases where adrenaline in dogs is known to have remained in circulation for seven days and cortisol for up to as much as 40 days. Pangal explains it like this: “When an animal hunts in the wild, after that adrenaline rush, he sits down to eat his meal and lets the hormones wear off. But w.. [More] dogsplayfetch.JPG
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19 MAY 2018
Bonding With Your Small Pets
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Hamsters | Pet Care | Rats and Mice | Degus | Gerbils
There are cat people and there are dog people – but there are also some who believe that small pets are where it’s at. Whether you cherish your chinchillas, have a passion for bunnies, adore guinea pigs, or have a soft spot for rats, hamsters, gerbils or degus, as a committed and responsible owner you want your small furries have the best life they can. Building a closer bond with your little pets will enhance and enrich your relationship with them.   A great way to build this special bond is by hand-feeding. This is something that will take time and patience, but once your small pal happily accepts a tasty treat from your hand, is incredibly rewarding. The key is to take things slowly, so that your little chums learn to associate you with good things and begin to place their trust in you. Am I in danger? Small pets are prey animals, which means they think anything approaching is a potential predator – even you. Don’t loom over them (as a pred.. [More] guineapighandfeeding2.jpg
Tags : Bonding With Your Small Pets , Guinea Pigs , Rabbits , Hamsters , Chinchillas , Degus , Rats Comment 0 Comments
10 MAR 2018
Anxiety Issues In Today’s Pets
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care | Dogs | Cats | Pet Remedy
With anxiety in humans on the rise, it is hardly surprising that anxiety is now a huge issue for many pets.  Dogs, in particular, are often afflicted.  This can be triggered by loud noises e.g. fireworks or thunderstorms, being alone and also by social interactions with other dogs.  Depending on each individual dog, they may be affected by one or more triggers.       When feeling anxious dogs often bark, pace, pant, and lick excessively.  In addition, they can exhibit destructive or aggressive behaviour.  One treatment that often helps break the trigger/reaction cycle is the use of calming sprays and wipes or plug-in diffusers which can alter the brain’s neuro-transmitters thereby deflecting the anxiety state.     Super hearing, super pets   The amazing hearing capabilities of dogs and cats, where sound is perceived as 5 times louder than for humans, may well account for the fact that.. [More] dogstressed.jpg
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03 MAR 2018
Muesli Style Diets Are Unhealthy
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Guinea Pig Food | Rabbit Food | Timothy Hay | Pet Care
Selective feeding occurs when rabbits choose some components of the muesli diet in preference to others. Rabbits will naturally select the higher energy (high sugar or starch elements) and reject the pellets. This results in an unbalanced diet, as the pellets are often supplemented with minerals and vitamins as well as often being high in fibre.   Selective feeding increases the risk of the problems below:​ - dental disease - gut stasis and other digestive problems - fly strike - reduced fibre intake - reduced water intake Rabbits fed muesli style diets eat less hay leading to a reduced fibre intake. These issues have been highlighted in research by Professor Anne Meredith. The results have been published in peer reviewed journals. As a result of this research many pet retailers in UK removed muesli style diets from their shelves in 2013 and we have continued to educate vets, retailers and rabbit owners on the importance of correct nutrition for .. [More] rabbitseatingfood.jpg
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28 DEC 2017
Keeping Your Pets Safe in the Pool
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care
If you are lucky enough to be one of the 950,000 people in South Africa who own a beautiful pool and garden, then without a doubt, you make the most of your garden by hosting barbecues, candlelit dinners, or family get-togethers. In the warmer months, the pool is usually the nucleus of activity, and just about the only bad thing about it from a pet owner’s perspective, is that it has the potential to be a safety risk. In this post, we focus on how to stop your pet from being just another statistic.   Teaching Your Dog to Swim   Should your pet fall into the pool, he should know how to swim right out of it, so teach him to swim from an early age. Ideally, a trainer will help you out but you might like to have a go yourself, starting out by letting your dog splash around in the tub or in a plastic kiddie swimming pool with water that reaches around halfway up his legs.   When you think your dog is confident enough, use a safety vest to introduc.. [More] dogswimming.jpg
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